Wednesday, July 12, 2006

He must increase, and I must decrease

Holy - Set apart, consecrated, not for pagan or common use....

Spirit of God you are the Holy Spirit. You carry the fullness of all that is Holy. All that is not set apart in me, all that is not consecrated as yours, all that is largely me , not you...come with your Holy fire and burn away. Two cannot have dominion at the same time.

To be filled with your Spirit is to be nothing but an empty vessel- for your display; that You may be all. Work in me surrender and full possession.

"....He must be all. From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. As God, He is the life of everything. Everything that exists serves as a means for the manifestation of the goodness, wisdom, and power of God in His direct and continous operation. Sin consists in nothing but this, that man determined to be something and would not allow God to be everything. The redemption of Jesus has no other aim than that God should again become everything in our heart and life. In the end even the Son will be subject to the Father that God may be all in all. Nothing less than this is what redemption is to secure. Christ himself has shown in his life what it means to be nothing and allow God to be everything..."1 Cor.15:28
(Andrew Murray- Spiritual Excellence)

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