Monday, October 26, 2009

Letting go of the old and Coming into the new

I don't know how or why but something significant occured in my heart today. Somthing fell off and something healed. I wasn't looking for it and I didn't see it coming. A moment in time. A small wonder and a huge miracle.

Today I discovered myself. unexpectedly. Through his eyes.

My name is Cirra.
And today I am coming out.
Out of a cocoon of fear and shame.
Out of the old place of groveling on my belly. Face to the ground.
Uncomfortable in my own skin.
Moving towards a destiny that I didn't understand....
but moving still, by the rhythm of a heartbeat that propelled me stumbling forward.
Into a new freedom.

My Father named me.
He named me Clear; bright; famous.
In my mothers womb He knew me. He delighted in me and said that I would be light-bearer. He identified me as his own, for HE alone is light. He alone is Clear and bright and famous. Not yet born, He called and chose me. To be his beloved. To be identified with him. And like tapestry he weaves the circumstances and desires of my heart. Creating something beautiful, in His time and for His purposes.

I am letting go of the old house. Saying goodby to those faulty foundations and walking barefoot onto the Solid Rock that is Christ, my identity. I am embracing the freedom He is calling me too. Embracing myself the way I finally now see He does. No longer regarding myself or others after the flesh.


lydia said...

Beautiful Sweet Cirra ~ I am sighing with delight for you my friend! Your resting has paid off!! It's good to see you back!!

silent wings said...

awww Thankyou Lydia. It's like riding a bike again...a little wobbly at first. haha

Truthfully, what had started as a rest was more of an extensive season of warfare, my mind being the battleground and playfield.

But He is faithful...

sparrow girl said...

Hello! I have not met you yet but have read and enjoyed many of your blog posts, and I've wished many times that you were still blogging - I am so glad you are back! I'm glad for God's faithfulness to you during your season of non-blogging.

silent wings said...

Thankyou Sparrow. Welcome. :) It was a pleasant surprise to have you stop in. I saw your name in blogging circles and have visited your blog as well. I was delighted then to see the growing fellowship and look forward to getting to know you better.

ps "Sparrow" was the name I first chose for my oldest daughter. Although we didn't give her that name at birth, it remains special to me still. :)

Bless you!

The Lewis Family said...

Nice! Good to see you here! Your response to Lydia (I'm nosy) reminds me of Lucy going out onto the battle field to tend to the wounded with her little vial of healing (her special gift and weapon). That part hit me so hard. What a wonderful privilege and purpose. . . Giving what she had been given. Umm, there I go again. . . It feels right to see new words on your blog!

silent wings said...

Oh my! Becky that undid me! Things MUST be healing...because I can cry again. haha Thankyou for that picture.

It is good to be back.

Jamie said...

Hello, beautiful, gentle, bright Cirra.

Welcome back to yourself. He was waiting all along for you to see yourself and experience the revelation of YOU through His eyes. Funny how neither of you moved and yet something in your paradigm shifted. Glory to glory, He changes us. I find it fascinating that the more we see Christ as He really is, the more we see ourselves and others as we really ARE because we begin to see through His eyes. And though spiritually, we ARE ALWAYS complete & whole, experientially, we keep being rebirthed into our true selves. Renewing our mind to the reality of just what it means to be a New Creation is so much MORE than we can imagine! And He just loves us, and loves, and loves us...into an acceptance and trust in His unfathomable love.

Hmmmm, I ramble. I'm talking to myself, too, you realize? :)


Much love, Light Bearer.

silent wings said...

:) :) :)
Thankyou mamma Jamie. I could squish you!

I was not comfortable with me. I did not even LIKE me, until a few days ago. HA!

It's funny how it doesn't matter what anybody says. It can all be can all be true but until He himself speaks it's not yet alive. How true that we keep being rebirthed into our true selves.

Sheila Atchley said...

Welcome back, beautiful!!! :-)