Somebody here is broken
Somebody here is waiting
Somebody here is hoping
For love to come and unlock every door
takes you and me to open up once more
and learn to trust again
Somebody here is searching
Somebody's dreams were stolen
Somebody's arms are reaching
Somebody needs to hold them
I don't know where you come from
I don't know where you're going
I only know the healing starts
when we stop running
Peace Like a river
Joy like a fountain
Drinking the cup of my father
flying over this mountain
Jason Upton (To Trust Again)
Fear is after my trust. This spirit haunts me relentlessly. From childhood on I have been lied to, stolen from and beat down. Wounded, yes, but mostly and ultimately victimized by this bondage of fear. I, like Eve before me, agreed with and believed the lies toward my Father. How crushing the betrayal! Oh my sweet Jesus.....not once, not twice, but over and over your enemy has betrayed you. From generation to generation the betrayal goes on. Lies that blind us to your true heart for us! Lies that hold back all the love you deserve.
Faith is believing that You are who you say you are and responding with trust and obedience. Faith enables me to trust in your promises because I can trust your heart. Faith enables me to obey your commandments because with trust and surrender, I recieve your empowering grace.
Faith is Generous, Reckless, Trust! Faith is the kind of trust that is willing to risk being hurt and let down, willing to be misunderstood and made a fool, willing to go against the flow, willing to lay down dreams, desires and agenda. Faith is for the child-like! Faith is for passionate lovers!
"Faith (unwavering and steady) shows the world how worthy our Lord is of our trust."
Hannah Whitall Smith
And so this battle....this war for freedom is a fight of faith, to trust you like never before! Will I, like Paul, be able to proclaim: "I have made a good fight, I have come to the end of my journey, I have kept the faith." ? (2Timothy 4:7)
When the Son of man comes will he find faith?
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